Don’t Be Offended
Text: Luke 7:18-28
Grace, mercy, and peace be to you from God our Father and from our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
When was the last time that you were really offended. I mean truly, genuinely offended by something that someone said or did. I like to think that I’m not easily offended, but if I really think about it, I could probably name a few things that have offended me in the recent past. Maybe even things I haven’t yet let go of. I think in general that many of us are a little too thin skinned. Too easily offended. Not that there’s not appropriate times to be offended, but perhaps our triggers are sometimes a little too sensitive. What does it take for someone or something to offend you? What causes you offense? And when it happens, how does it make you feel? Angry? Shocked? Wanting revenge? What’s your response? Is it something like, “How dare you!”? “How dare you question my integrity!” “How dare you insult my intelligence!” “How dare you accuse me of doing something wrong!”
Jesus was no stranger to people saying things to Him like, “How dare you!” His earthly ministry lasted only three years, but it was enough time to offend all sorts of people in all sorts of ways. Some, like the Pharisees, were offended by Jesus because he threatened their authority, and their positions of power. Others, even some of his disciples, were offended because he disappointed them by not coming as the earthly king they were expecting. The Gospels record how, time and again, people were scandalized or offended by something Jesus said or did, or even by something He didn’t do.
There were times when his words were just too hard for them to understand, or for them to accept. In ch 6 of St. John’s Gospel, Jesus proclaims to a crowd of fellow Jews that he is the Bread of Life, “the bread that came down from heaven.” That was enough for many to begin grumbling and arguing among themselves. And when Jesus eventually uses the language of eating his flesh and drinking his blood we hear that, “many of his disciples turned back and no longer walked with him.” Later in John’s Gospel, the words of our Lord once again create a scandal when he tells the Jews, “Before Abraham was, I am.”
At other times it wasn’t Jesus’ words that caused offense; it was what he was doing. Jesus had the audacity to give sight to a blind man on the Sabbath. And in response to this miraculous event, “Some of the Pharisees said, ‘This man is not from God, for he does not keep the Sabbath.’” And, of course, there were those times when Jesus was judged by the company he kept. Think how many times people took offense as Jesus ate and drank with tax collectors and sinners or when he allowed himself to be associated with adulterers and Samaritans.
In the end, it wasn’t only what Jesus said and did that caused so many to reject him. For some, what Jesus failed to do caused the greatest offense. Consider all those who greeted the Savior on Palm Sunday, laying down their palm branches and shouting their hosannas, believing that Jesus was the conquering hero who would lead them to political and military victory against their Roman oppressors. How disappointed, discouraged, and offended they were when Jesus turned out to be a compassionate and forgiving Messiah, full of mercy and not vengeance. In other words, he wasn’t exactly what they were expecting.
So it is, then, that John the Baptist, sitting in prison by order of Herod the tetrarch, sends two of his disciples to Jesus with the question, “Are you the one who is to come, or shall we look for another?” It’s a strange question, considering the fact that John was well acquainted with Jesus and was present at the Baptism of Jesus—when God the Father spoke from the clouds and proclaimed Jesus to be his “beloved Son, with whom He was well pleased.”
So why this question of doubt? Is John wavering in his faith? Or is it his disciples who need to be certain of who Jesus really is? It’s likely that all of them, to some degree, were struggling with the ministry of Jesus. John was in prison, the Romans and other enemies of God were still in power, and nothing extraordinary seemed to be happening. If Jesus was the coming one, he certainly wasn’t living up to their expectations!
And in response to the question of John’s messengers, Jesus directs their attention to his miracles among the blind, the lame, the lepers, the deaf, the poor, and even the dead. And he concludes by saying, “Blessed is the one who is not offended by me.”
“And blessed is the one who is not offended by me.” Those words ring loud and clear even in our day, don’t they? We live in a time and place where many are scandalized by the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Sure, in the days leading up to the Christmas celebration, it might seem like the world is less offended than at most other times, but there’s no getting around the fact that for most, Jesus Christ is far too controversial to be included in our holidays—let alone the thought of including him in our everyday lives.
The offense of the Gospel is understandable among unbelievers. But the truth is, even those who profess themselves to be Christians can, at times, seem uncomfortable—even embarrassed—by the exclusive claims of Christianity.
How many times have you heard someone ask the question “Are Christians the only ones going to heaven? What about devout Jews, Muslims, and others? Are these good and sincere people really not saved just because they don’t happen to believe that Jesus is their Savior?” And the response to that question is usually something like, “Well, it’s not for me to judge,” or “That’s in God’s hand, not mine.” Instead of confessing the truth that Jesus is the only way to the Father, too many people allow their convictions to waver for fear that the truth of the Gospel just won’t be understood. Or that it would cause someone to be offended.
I’m sure we’ve all been guilty of allowing our fear of other people’s reaction to God’s clear and powerful Word to dictate the firmness of our stand for the truth. We’ve all acted as though Jesus was offensive to us. There have been times when you failed to speak a corrective word to an erring brother. Or times you were too squeamish to defend your Christian beliefs when confronted by a neighbor, a co-worker, or a family member. Or what about those times, even now, when Jesus doesn’t exactly live up to our expectations—when our lives seem to be coming apart at the seams and our hope for a brighter future is waning?
Why do we so often fail to let our Christian light shine before men? Why do we become so easily discouraged when it comes to matters of faith and Christian hope? Are we afraid? Are we worried about what other people will think of us? Or is it that deep down inside we wonder whether or not we have any faith, let alone a faith that we can speak about and share with others?
Let me remind you: It’s almost Christmas! Not that you need reminding. The signs are all around us. It’s almost time to celebrate again what God has done in Jesus Christ. Which is to say, it’s time to confess our sins, hand them over to Jesus, and then move on by the grace of God! Which is what we do with all our sins and shortcomings, trusting in the forgiveness won by Jesus on the cross. And then remember that what we celebrate at Christmas is that God became one of us, a physical, breathing human being, so that He could speak a word of blessing to us. “Blessed are you Jesus says. Blessed are you—not because of anything you have (or haven’t) done, but because of what I’ve done for you.” That’s the blessing that Jesus speaks over all of us.
And along with the Father and the Holy Spirit, He also says to us, “I created you to be my own, and I’ve given you everything you need to support you in life. I redeemed you when you were a lost and condemned creature. I purchased and won you from all sin, from death, and from the power of the devil with my precious blood and my innocent suffering and death. I called you by the Gospel. I enlightened you with my gifts. And I have sanctified and kept you in the one true faith. All this I have done for you out of fatherly, divine goodness and mercy, without any required merit or worthiness on your part, so that on the Last Day I can raise you from the dead and give you eternal life.”
As we ready ourselves once again this Advent season to hear and believe the message of the Christmas Gospel, blessed are those who are reminded of all their blessings. Rejoice! Blessed are you who have been washed clean in the waters of Holy Baptism. Rejoice! Blessed are you who hear the words of Absolution spoken into your troubled hearts. Rejoice! Blessed are you who receive the body and blood of our Lord for complete forgiveness.
Don’t allow your fear to keep you from spreading the great and glorious message of the Savior who came to earth to save us all. That’s the message of Christmas. It’s the message of both the cradle and the cross. And while that message is “folly, (even scandalous and offensive), to those who are perishing, to us who are being saved it is the power of God.” And we have the great privilege to share it with all who will listen. Amen.
The peace of God which surpassed all understanding guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
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